

Eliza Manche

Healing the world with


Download my FREE eBook and start losing weight today!

Are you ready to improve your overall health?

Have you been frustrated trying to improve your daily habits? Do you think you know what to do, but you are just not doing it?

If you want to make the kind of change that lasts
join the ultimate

Superior Health and Mindset Program

With so many options available, this program simplifies and teaches fundamental principles that anyone can implement if they desire better health.

Discover Plans
If you want to make the kind of change that lasts
join the ultimate

Superior Health and Mindset Program

With so many options available, this program simplifies and teaches fundamental principles that anyone can implement if they desire better health.

Discover Plans

What will you get?

This is not a quick fix diet plan. It’s the foundation for developing positive habits for a lifelong commitment for better health.

The program is for anyone who is ready to make necessary changes to improve their overall life and health. All ages, levels of fitness and quality of health are welcomed.

Our focus will be on improving your overall physical and mental health and supporting you in achieving your personal goals.
This is not a quick fix diet plan. It’s the foundation for developing positive habits for a lifelong commitment for better health.

The program is for anyone who is ready to make necessary changes to improve their overall life and health. All ages, levels of fitness and quality of health are welcomed.

Our focus will be on improving your overall physical and mental health and supporting you in achieving your personal goals.
The key pillars of the program...
Fruit Bowl_1x1

I will show you what to eat and how to eat so you can see improvements in your weight and metabolic health.

Mindset Wellness_1x1

The most important elements in developing the type of mindset that is crucial for living a healthy lifestyle.

Working with me means you’re working with someone certified to help you reach your goals. You’ll receive daily targeted advice, answers and tips to your nutrition, mindset and fitness questions, encouragement, accountability, support and someone who will be beside you every step of the way to make the kind of life changes that last.

Gym Girl_1x1

I will help you find the right kind of exercise you enjoy doing.


You will learn why integrating specific targeted nutritional supplements are crucial to achieving optimal health.

Together we'll explore your thoughts, feelings, and patterns of behavior because I know that when I work with a person I’m not just working with their skills and capabilities, but I’m also working with someone who has fears and emotions and can be vulnerable. We will find the root cause of your feelings, and learn new coping skills and techniques to better manage daily stressors and heal your traumas.

If you don't believe this truly works, read some of my clients' testimonials

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